Two years ago Amitabh Bachchan donned a completely new avatar as Gujarat fist-ever brand ambassador. A few weeks ago West Bengal in a bid to give state's image some zing, roped in Shah Rukh Khan as its face. And now the Maharashtra government has apparently approached Hrithik Roshan to help sell the state's sight's & sounds to tourists.
An agency hired by the Goverment approached Hrithik a few days a ago to become the state's brand ambassador. They had sent a mail to Hrithik's team it was immediately forwarded to him but he hasn't been able to take the final call considering his super busy schedule of Krrish 3, says a member of Hrithik team.
Apparently the Goverment agency wants Hrithik to take a few days off his schedule to work on an extensive campaign for the state. They have plans to shoot a docu-flim with him in places as kolhapur,Mahabaleshwar,Raigad and Mumbai Even a photo shoot has been planned says the insider adding that Hrithik is busy with krrish 3 till October its believed that Hrithik too is keen on working out his schedule to fit in the camp since he thinks it is great honour.
But everything depends on the schedule it remains to be seen how they work out the dates considering Hrithik will be busy for another four-five months so the big question is will the agency wait till then?'' adds the insider.
Despite repeated attempts Hrithik remained unavailable for a comment.
But Jagdish Mali of Jagdish Mali productions the agency that approached Hrithik for MTDC has contracted me for the campaigns.. they feel Maharashtra's tourism need to be promoted i have approached Hrithik but there's no confirmation or denial from him yet they MTDC wants to announce it on may 1 so we will see how things work out," he says.
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